Thursday, February 18, 2010

Student Teaching and Readicide

My student teaching is going great!! I taught my first lesson yesterday and was observed by my supervisor. Everything went great and I got some good feedback. I also had one of my students tell me that I was going to be a great teacher!:)
I implemented my first literacy engagement last week. The school that I am at as Silent Reading 2 days out of the month at the start of each period. I had my students use the knowledge chart that I found in the More Tools for Content Literacy book!! I had a good response from most of students and I was suprised how many students actually brought in their own personal books to read during Silent Reading. Through this activity I was able to see the different kinds of books that my students like to read and also see how they react to doing activities that peratin to reading.
My action research is directly related to content literacy involoving reading comprehension through business articles. I did my first lesson yesterday involving cooperative groups and reading. My students did a great job working together and talking through the text. They were able to better understnad the material that directly related tho the lesson.
I have finished reading Chapter 3 in Readicide and this is thus far my favorite chapter because it has perninent information for my action research!!
I hope everyone else is having a great time student teaching. See everyone Monday!


  1. It is great that you have been able to dive right in to student teaching. You probably feel much better about it now that you have been in a regular public school classroom. I think it is a wonderful thing that your school has silent reading even if it is only twice a month. As far as I know, our school does not have it at all. The Tools for Content Literacy has some great ideas in it and I am so glad that your students responded so favorably. I have not actually taught yet, just observed and helped out answering students questions while they are doing assignments. It was a crazy week with everyone getting laid off.

  2. Love the silent reading (of course, you know I would like to see it every week ;-) Great kid-watching, Casie, by taking this opportunity to notice more about your students' book choices. It would be great to include some kind of sharing (perhaps in small groups) for last bit of this time to let your students discuss and talk about books. This book sharing might also give others ideas of books to read. Perhaps you already do this. Your action research is so exciting. I can't wait to hear more!
    See you Monday afternoon.
