My student teaching is going great! I am constantly engrossed in content literacy with my students. My action research involves students reading business content news articles and working through the text in jigsaw groups. I have taught the students different reading strategies and vocabulary techniques. Through reading Readicide I have followed along Gallagher with the Article of the Week. After watching him actually implement this technique/strategy I have been able to similarly carry out the same strategies within my business classroom.
My students are currently learning about Cyber Ethics and have been extremely receptive to reading articles that relate to their lives directly. I am now stuck with the problem of getting the students to stop discussing one subject topic and move to the next!(good and bad). Through this experience I have realized I need to set time limits for the students when reading the articles (but at the same time be cautious that all the students do not read as quickly as others) and when each group is discussing their particular article.
To be honest I have not done anymore research for reading class but thankfully my action research and my literacy research go hand in hand! So Sunday Funday will now be Research day, GSTEP day, and TWS day...
See everyone in class Monday!